Petra has the expertise to get it done safely, thoroughly, and efficiently. Dust is controlled through industrial vacuums and viqueen as needed. Also, if there is not enough house power available, then Petra provides its own generators.
There are four primary methods are: diamond grinding, shot-blasting, scarifying, and scabbling. Owning multiple machines of each type, as well as employing experienced operators, Petra will determine which method best meets the customer’s individual need.
This is the most common technique. It uses diamonds—attached to high-powered grinders—to cut the concrete and remove the laitance residing on the top portion of the concrete. It is the preferred method used for concrete polishing.
The deepest profile can be achieved through scarifying. The machines have either steel or carbide cutters rotating at a very high speed. It tears apart the concrete surface leaving grooves that create a ‘waffle-type’ pattern. It is great in prepping for polyurethane concrete and polymer concrete systems.