PetraGrout is a two component epoxy grout material. It is ideal for repairing larger
eroded holes in concrete. PetraGrout takes over where Petra Patch leaves off for
small repairs. Because of its extreme physical properties and high load-bearing
strength, it is an ideal base for other Petra High Build systems. PetraGrout is also the
right choice when sloping a floor where epoxy grout is required. It can be applied
from 1/16” to several feet thick by extending it with silica and aggregate. Its design
features provide for the highest industrial demands. Advantages:
• 100% Solids, V.O.C. Compliant
• Essentially odorless
• Four times harder than standard concrete
• Withstands heavy forklift traffic
• Chemical resistant
• Able to be applied over damp concrete
• Can be applied over ten day old concrete