CoreKote Polymer Concrete (CPC) is an advanced high performance,
three component epoxy resinous concrete. CPC is
engineered to withstand a wide range of chemicals (see chart
below). CPC is generally applied between 1.5” to 2” nominal
thickness. Its design features provide for the highest industrial
demands. CoreKote Polymer Concrete has one of the highest
ratios of resin to aggregate and considered the premium system.
CPC may be used in conjuction with Petra’s metal anchoring
reinforcement system (MARS) for added system strength
and longevity. Advantages:
• Self-priming
• V.O.C. Compliant - 100% Solids
• Seamless flooring system
• Essentially odorless
• Four times harder than standard concrete
• Withstands heavy forklift traffic
• Chemical resistant
• Able to be applied over damp concrete
• Does not amine blush
• Can be applied over ten day old concrete