Giving Back

PETRA CPS / PETRA POLYMERS is not only committed to providing the best products and services for their customers, but is also determined to reach beyond our business boundaries to make a difference even on the other side of the globe. PETRA CPS / PETRA POLYMERS has partnered with a 501(c)(3) corporation named Caring For Orphans - Mozambique (CFO-MOZ.) We support this organization financially and with manpower: both the President and the Chief Financial Officer of PETRA CPS volunteer on the board of CFO-MOZ. The mission statement of CFO-MOZ is:

“To develop financial support for an orphanage in Mozambique and offer encouragement to those dedicated to providing a healthy, caring, and loving environment for abandoned children.”

This nonprofit organization is a nondenominational Christian organization dedicated to providing resources to an orphanage in Mozambique and working with the staff to overcome the incredible difficulties and dangers encountered by orphans. One of the staff at the orphanage is the daughter of Petra’s Chief Financial Officer and has served there in Mozambique for 15 years. CFO-MOZ is motivated by the needs of these children who are truly the poorest of the poor, the belief that every child should have the opportunity to reach his or her greatest potential, and by the statement that pure religion in the sight of our God and Father is to visit orphans and widows in their distress.

Early in 2008, the orphanage encountered a significant drop in financial backing and the welfare of the children was at risk. This organization was formed to “stand in the gap” and provide the resources to insure the children were able to continue to receive medical help, food, shelter, education, job training, and most of all--love.

It is the goal of the organization to provide the monthly support necessary to meet the daily needs of the children, expand the capacity of the orphanage in order to care for the growing number of children at risk in the surrounding communities, and provide education and job training to each child by building a school. The goal is to be used by God to physically heal the children and strengthen their relationships with Him and with one another. CFO-MOZ aims to accomplish this by providing the staff in Mozambique the resources necessary to allow them the opportunity to demonstrate God’s unconditional love for the children in a tangible manner.

For more information, please visit their website at